

Hiring and retention in the digital workforce

Workplace 4.0, or the new digital workplace, not all about data-driven processes, smart devices and the internet of things; it’s about hiring and retaining talented employees to extract the best results from the implementation of [...]

How to nail a job in procurement

  Many leading recruiters offer general advice on how to prepare for and behave in an interview situation. That’s all freely available and very helpful, but what about preparing for a procurement or supply chain [...]

A delicate alliance – Human Resources and Procurement

Human Resources (HR) executives are used to managing their supplier base within their own domain, without the interference and/or support of their procurement colleagues.  However, with the advent of outsourcing and new technologies, areas of [...]

Curbing fraud in public procurement in Africa

The Anti-corruption Agencies 10 years ago the World Bank reviewed the activities of anti-corruption agencies active in Africa and came to the conclusion that they were not particularly effective, despite some significant funding.  They concluded [...]